After several months of not being able to update the podcast’s publishing plug in, I’ve changed eveyrthing over to Blubrry’s Powerpress plugin. Thankfully it’s able to import all of WordPress’ stuff, so it was really easy!
However, it’s not as nimble to be able to allow me to place the podcast wherever I pleased, so now it’s on the top of every post.
If you see a “[display_podcast]” in a previous post, that was just the code that called up the old player. Also, the new player has volume control! If that means anything.
It’s all about high flying, mecha, idol sings, and guns, lots of guns in this episode of the OSMcast! Of course, the topic is the latest Shoji Kawamori epic, Macross Frontier.
Okay I think we are back on track and ready to rock. Inubito’s actual main computer should be arriving this week, which means he won’t have to try and hack at editing this podcast on his laptop.
This is good news for the world.
(What’s not good news for the world is that as I’ve been editing the post for this podcast my power has gone out twice. So let’s rush though this and get this suff up before it’s too late.)
Macross Frontier is, like we said, in no way licensed for the US and may never be. So our only recourse is the wide wonderful world of torrents and downloading. I’m pretty sure that the right Google search can point in you the right direction.
This is how Singapore sees Bubblegum Crisis. In very small preview images.
Next week we plan on talking about Bubblegum Crisis, that classic 80’s anime about hot chicks in powered armor blowing up robots. It really doesn’t get more awesome than that. Of course, I now realize that I think that Daryl Surat of AWO is also reviewing BBC in their next episode… So let’s see who updates with their BBC podcast first! It’ll be exciting! … Or possibly not.
As always we are starved for attention so please give us some by either posting in the comments below, sending us an email at, or giving us a call on the OSMline at (206) 202-0071.
The OSMcast rises from it’s grave of computer woe’d-ashes to deliver unto you our take on one of the most awesome, trippy, postmodernist, animated movies ever: Adolescence of Utena AKA The Utena Movie.
Protip: And while I know that this is technically the 15th of December, this was recorded with the intent of getting up on the 1st, so it’s still dated for that time.
Sadly, while we have been able to finagle an actual podcast for your listening enjoyment, Inubito’s computer is still down for the count. On the plus side, Lee no longer has mono! But yes, we are back in business so there shouldn’t be any interruptions again for the near or distant future.
Over two weeks past due, we bring you our Nekocon 11 con report! Short version: Totally fun. Long version: Listen to our podcast! /Basara
(We also complain about Gonzo and how much Rosario + Vampire sucks.)
Protip: We had to use the travel mic and it so happened the room we were in was really echo-y. You have been warned.
So yeah, we had fun! We totally want to go again next year if we can! If you live in the area and somehow have not gone, make plans for next year. For real.
You have now seen the entire show in this one screen cap.Congratulations!
But we all now know that Nekocon is awesome. Now I’d like to point something we forgot to mention in in the World of OSM. You see that screen cap on the left there? See the next one below that? The place I stole the screens from is a site complaining on now two of the three main networks that air the recent season of this crap are censoring the fanservice.
This is the travesty that others have now bemoaned and wailed and the gnashing of teeth and crap. Bats are not fanboys’ best friends!
Apparently the one factor that people are drawn to the show (more panty shots per capita than a season run of Ramna episodes starring Happosai) has gotten so outrageous the networks that agreed to let this show get advertising money that they are throwing cute bats everywhere to cover up the said 50+ panty shots per episode. Go figure.
Legend of Galactic Heroes 2 or Irresponsible Captain Kamina? Only the Future knows!
Now, I will make no judgments upon the person for instead of using the phrase “panty shot” instead they use the phrase, “pantsu.” Whatever. The point is that even they are confused as to why the networks are even bothering. And to that sentiment I agree with them. However I have a different solution for you Osaka TV and Aichi TV. It’s really easy: Stop showing the show and show Nodame or Tytania or something I dunno… Good. Sure, it’s a wild idea that has no place in things like contacts or anything resembling logic and how these things actually work. I’d just rather see good shows being shown more than bad shows.
Well that was an unexpected rant! As always, you can contact us in an innumerable amount of ways. Commenting in our Comments Section always works. Email ( also works! Voice mails (206-202-0071) do too!
… Okay so there’s three ways! But they are all excellent ways of doing it. Ergo, so you should be doing it
In a strange twist of fate, our shortest episode actually has the longest title. Go figure! At this recently past Nekocon we got the chance to chat with three awesome voice actors: Troy Baker, Aaron Dismuke, & Jerry Jewell.
Protip: Since it was the portable microphone, you’ll need to turn up the volume to hear us. But there’s not a whole lot of background noise so it’s all good.
Thanks to the awesome staff at Nekokon for making this happen, as well as our guests for sitting down with us to talk, even though it was only a little while.
In tonight’s episode of the OSMcast! we talk about J.C. Staff’s adaptation of Kiyohiko Azuma’s awesome series: Azumanga Daioh!
With special guest star DJ Inubito as “The guy playing Fable II while we are talking about stuff.”
Thanks to ADV’s awesome habit of making collections of stuff they make, you can not only now own the entire anime in a Thinkpack box set, you can also buy the entire manga run in one giant omnibus edition.
This is coming out soonish!
Normally we have this stuff uploaded by Sunday night so it’ll be ready for your listening enjoyment bright and early Monday morning. But we just got back from Nekoconlate last night and could not stay conscious enough to make it happen. Hopefully Monday evening will be just as nice! And if you must have it in the morning, I hear Tuesday is also a good day for it!
Speaking of Nekocon, it was a blast.
This comes out soonish after!
I’m sure we’ll be doing a con report on it at some point in the near future! Possibly even next week.
If you have any questions about the con, or about Azumanga Daioh, or you know, anything… Just leave us some feedback in one of our many myriad ways. Like for example, the comments section! Or an email! You could also (dare I say it…!) even leave us a voice mail!
We have one! It’s done! I just have to go to work now and it will be another 45 minutes before everything finishes transferring! So It will be up around 10-11 PM Central Time!
Expand your horizons, your world, as it were, with our latest podcast all about Square-Enix/Jupiter’s awesome game for the Nintendo DS: The World Ends With You!
And also where we try not to talk about the World of Warcarft! … Too much.
This game is in steady supply, but sadly no matter wherewe checked, the “Square-Enix tax” is in full effect and you are looking to be spending $40 for this game. It’s totally worth it though!
We just got back from CrisisCon, and it was pretty fun! Definitely an enjoyable con, and we’ll be sure to come back next year. I’m sure we’ll talk more about it on our next podcast, but by then Inubito and Basil will have already been to Nekocon! Such is the way our recording and update schedule works…
There’s a joke in this, I just know it…
Street Fighter IV is looking like it’s shaping up to be pretty awesome. They’re even having a contest where if you art is rad enough, it’ll be on the inner cover of the game! But right now all we care about is the awesome magazine ads we were talking about. Until then, we’ll just play more Third Strike and I’ll weep that Makoto isn’t in SFIV yet. 🙁
Oddly enough the most repeated question at the Crisis Con panel was “Do you get enough feedback?” And the answer is a resounding “NO, WE DO NOT AND IT MAKES OUR SOULS UNHAPPY. D:” So, if you would please be so kind as to comment down below, shot us email, or even voice mail, you’ll be our favorites. Unlike those other listeners…
Oh and for the record the Burning Crusade expansion of World of Warcraft came out January 16, 2007… so almost two years between expansions… almost. Just sayin’.
The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me blah blah blah
To conclude our October extravaganza of Octoberness, we’re finishing out with another set of three with a podcast all about the latest take on Kouta Hirano’s epic tale of vampires, Nazis, and blood, lots of blood.
So yeah, Hellsing Ultimate.
As it turns out this time has the best deal on Hellsing Ultimate, with all the discs running you around $16.63 a disc.
Astroboy so did love the world so much that he... er... saved it. With machine gun butt attacks.
We only covered Hellsing Ultimate Volumes 1 thru 3, but you should go on ahead and buy all four. the fourth volume actually has our favorite villain yet, Rip van Winkle!
Protip: If the image to your left does not melt your heart, then there is no hope for you, as your heart is now cold, bitter stone. And you should feel bad. I mean just look at him.
And don’t forget to check out Chris Kohler’s write-up on “The Famous Takahashi.” It’s a really interesting look at a marketing guy you can’t help but to love. That’s really, really hard to do.
The Man, the Myth, the Pictures courtesy of Chris Kohler/
Also, we know when our podcasting panel will be at CrisisCon! It’s on Sunday November 2nd, from 11:30-12:30 in the Main Events room. It’s called Podcasting 101. We will be joined by our fellow Huntsvegas-ian podcasters Dead Workers Party Network! I suppose we will be talking ahout the basics of getting into podcasting and whatnot, which should be enjoyable. If nothing us you’ll get to listen to us ramble on for an hour of your day. Only this time it’s live and in person! I believe the DWPN guys are playing to pull off either a stream or a live recording of the panel, so I’d imagine we’ll be linking to that when we can.
And then we’ll be heading up north for Nekocon the weekend after! Not that we have any panels or anything planned, but we’ll be there all the same.
As always, please fell free to comment in the comments section, or send us an email at! Or even call us up on the OSMline! The number is 206-202-0071.