OSMcast: The Evil Dead Movies 10-20-2008

Shop smart... shop S-Mart!
Shop smart… shop S-Mart!

Kicking reason to the curb once more we take on a terribly terrific trilogy of movie-ocity with Sam Raimi’s and Bruce Campbell’s epic cults classics, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness.

Oh, and the musical. You can blame Eric for that one though!


Right now Best Buy has all three movies on sale for $6.99 a pop!

So you shouldn’t keep yourself away from these films any longer. Unless you’re scared. Of awesome. Best Buy also has the musical for $14.99, but you can also get it at the same price from Amazon.

You know you want one.
You know you want one.

Speaking of good ol’ Amazon.com, you could also pre-order the KORG DS-10 Synthesizer! If you ever wanted to make beats on the go, I don’t think you can go very wrong here guys. I mean if it’s good enough for Yasunori Mitsuda, it’s good enough for all of us.

I wish I could also tell you all the reserve the Ghostbusters game but who knows when the game will even be out. Though man, Bill Murray is looking kinda old. But that still doesn’t stop him from asking the relevant questions.

Though sadly he may have received his relevant answer…

Who you gonna call?
Who you gonna call?

Also, don’t forget that in a few weeks (Halloween weekend in fact) we’ll be at CrisisCon in Huntsville, Alabama! When the panel will be… I’m not sure. Hopefully they’ll get back to us soon enough so we can post about it and talk about in our next episode.

Also we’ll be kicking back the very next weekend (November 7th – 9th)  at Nekocon, in glorious Hampton, Virginia! We don’t have any panels or anything planned there, but we’ll be sure to crash something.

And as always, you are more than welcome to let us know you, dear listeners, exist!

I uh, guess that works!
I uh, guess that works!

There are many ways you can let us know this! You could…

  • Leave us a comment in this very post!
  • Call us at the OSMline (206) 202-0071, and if you ask us a question, we’ll answer it for you in the following OSMcast!
  • Or just send us an email at osmcast@gmail.com!

It really is that easy!

OSMcast: Silent Hill (1 thru 4) 10-13-2008

Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2

To further our Halloween tendencies, we decided to rock out with a crazy-long podcast all about Konami’s uber-creepy video games series Silent Hill. Lee takes us on a course of wonder and horror as he details the first four games, while we chime in like the silly fools we are!

This is also the podcast that Refused to Upload, but that’s a story for another time.


October 31st - Nov 2nd
October 31st - November 2nd

Okay so we lied last time.

Well not a lie really, we just temporarily forgot one.

You know how we said we had one more con to hit this year? Well, we are actually going to two!

Nov 7th - 9th
November 7th - 9th

Not only shall we be attending CrisisCon Halloween weekend in Huntsville, Alabama… But we’ll also be going out to Hampton, Virginia for Nekocon the week after!

Which means a 13 hour+ drive for us. But that means a whole new world of people that will get to exprenice the power, majesty, glory that is us, the OSMcast! … Right?

OSMinterview: Gina Biggs @ AWA 14

Gina Biggs © Gina Biggs
Gina Biggs © Gina Biggs

Here’s our first ever OSMinterview with one of the most awesome women in webcomics, Gina Biggs! She’s the creator of the romantic drama Red String (now being published by Dark Horse Comics) as well as the Grand High Poobah of Strawberry Comics.

Protip: We ended up recording right outside the dealer’s room, so the audio quality isn’t that great. You’ll probably have to turn up the volume a good bit so I wouldn’t recommend listening to in the car or anything.


Once again thank you Gina for taking the time to talk to us! And if you still have no idea who Dr. Horrible and Cpatain Hammer is, please go educate yourself . You’ll be glad you did.

OSMcast: Persona 3 10-6-2008

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

We’re kicking off October in style with a three man tag team take on Atlus’ Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. Start updating your podcasting Social Links now!


You should own this game.

See here even GameStop has it new online RIGHT NOW. And Wal-Mart. And Target. Best Buy. Amazon.

Lets see Inspector Zenigata catch this!
Let's see Zenigata try to catch this!

They all have it and they are waiting for you.

Unless you already own it. Then you’re fine. You’re cool.

The rest will have to see me after class.

In other news of awesome we have the Gina Biggs interview ready and will be releasing it on Wednesday, so if romantic webcomics are your thing then be sure to check it out!

The Future of Anime, or Basils Pipe Dream?
Future of Anime, or our special Pipe Dream? We’ll just have to see.

Also we will be attending Huntsville’s latest Sci-fi/Anime/Comics/Games/Whathaveyou convnetion CrisisCon (Oct 31-Nov 2), and should be hosting a podcast roundtable there. If you have a podcast and would be interested in attending, please let us know! I mean we can’t be the only local podcast in the Huntsville area, right?

We are already hoping these guys will show up!

OSMcast: Kimagure Orange Road 9-29-2008

In our first true post-AWA podcast Basil and Lee weigh in on the 1980’s anime classic, Kimagure Orange Road (KOR)!


Fun Fact #1: Basil’s first ever anime soundtrack on CD was bought during AWA 5. It was a KOR soundtrack and costed him around $30 for a second-hand copy. Later on he ended up buying another several soundtracks from another dealer but it only costed him like $12 a disc. He was amazed at his good fortune and wondered why the Kimagure Orange Road one costed him so much. Basil soon discovered out after the con that all the cheap ones were in fact bootlegs and his KOR one was actually legit. D’oh!

Fan Fact #2: The director for the TV series of KOR, Osamu Kobayashi, also directed another romance drama show called Paradise Kiss as well as the rockin’ show BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. Even more recently however he guest-directed the fourth episode of Gurren Lagann. By the way this is also the worst episode of the show and caused such an uproar on 2chan that one of the founders of Gainax made fun of the forum-goers, then stepped down from the studio days later. D’oh x2!

In other news something amazing has occured! Street Figher IV is one of the few video games ever to sport the most awesome cover art for the US region as opposed to Japan or Europe! This like, NEVER HAPPENS. But I guess someone in Capcom decided to throw us a bone. So props to that!

Also we do have our new OSMline number! It’s 206-202-0071! You should totally call it! Or email us! Comment! DO IT.

… And ignore that we accidently used the old number at the very end there. Use the new number we said previoulsy instead!

OSMcast: AWA 14 9-22-2008

It’s only the first day back from the Anime Weekend Atlanta 14 and we’ve already got our podcast up and running about it! Listen to us talk about standing in line for things and panels we attended! And eating Stir-fry!

The alternate title for this episode is “Should Have Spanked Me With an Asteroid.”


I... Dont even know.
I… Don’t even know.

But no, really, AWA was a ton of fun. We got to meet the folks behind AWO (Daryl, Gerald, and Clarissa), Greatest Movie Ever (Paul Chapman), and fellow new kids on the block podcast Akihabra Renditions (Drew Sutton).  Not only that, but they actually let some of us (Basil and DJ Inubito) on the podcasting roundtable panel.  THOSE FOOLS! But no really it was great and hopefully we didn’t sound too stupid.

I also (along with Lee) had the chance to interview Gina Biggs of the webcomic Red String (and the Strawberry Comics collective) for a little bit on Sunday, which will get it’s own segment later on in the week. And Inubito also took some photos at the con, and once I edit them I’ll post’em up on the site. Sadly while we knew there was some awesome FF12 cosplayers there that we had met at MTAC earlier this year, we somehow missed our chance and nabbing their photos. Sorry about that awesome FF12 cosplayers. 🙁

And if you are just tuning into us from AWA, welcome! Check out our Index of OSMs Past for previous episodes! Leave us comments! Send us emails! I’d say call us, but I think the OSMline is borked, and we may have to look into a new one.

But again, welcome new folks, hello again to our current listeners, thank you to podcasts that are greater than us, and until next time, stay frosty. And also stay tunned later on for our first ever OSMinterview!

OSMcast: XBLA Trifecta! 9-15-2008

Because one game just wasn’t enough, we decided to tackle three Xbox Live Arcade games for this episode of the OSMast!: Castle Crashers, Bionic Commando, and Braid. Check it out!


That’s right, we’ll be at Anime Weekend Atlanta this weekend, so you should track us down and say hello!

Also, if you happened to head this direction by way of the AWO, hello and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay. And I apologize about Indy IV. Really, I do. However I will defend the honor of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates to the uh, death. I guess.

See you folks at the con! Or not! (Then throw us an email!)

OSMcast: Gurren Lagann 9-8-2008

Finally our current tagline will now make sense as the OSMcast! tackles Gainax’s Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!


Image © Go Nagai/Dynamic Planning, Honey Production Committee
Image of the hottie whiskey bottle © Go Nagai/Dynamic Planning, Honey Production Committee

Now this podcast really isn’t a day late or anything. I mean, it’s not like a bird hit a plane causing Inubito’s friend’s flight to be delayed so he was busy entertaining his guest to mix down the podcast until late Monday night. And it surely wasn’t Basil being too busy playing Spore to actually update the site once he had the file.

I mean… obviously.

By the by, hasn’t anyone noticed how the theme of Spore is kinda how creatures must use the power of evolution to grow, expand, and survive as well as you (not I of course) the player also evolve by varying games of complexity?

And how it expresses it’s theme by the use of a galaxy as imagery. And how galaxies kinda like like spirals? You know, like Gurren Lagann?

Not that I’ve been playing Spore or anything, and that my race of creatures are called the Gurrens.


Not at all!

OSMcast: Cromartie High School 9-01-2008

WARNING: We talk about Eiji Nonaka’s Cromartie High School in this episode of the OSMcast! There… YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


We talk about a lot of stuff that’s actually kinda out of date! But that’s OK, because it’s all still awesome.  And so is Cromartie and you should buy a version of it right now.

Check back with us next week when we take on Gainax’s Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

OSMcast: Wild Zero 8-25-2008

We aren’t dead yet! In this triumphant return to the OSMcast Basil, Eric, and newcomer Lee tackle Tetsuro Takeuchi and Guitar Wolf’s wild and crazy “Jet rock ‘n’ roll”/zombie horror/comedy/cult classic/movie thing, Wild Zero! And succeed with marginal success! WARNING: Guitar Wolf’s music can be really loud.


We actually recorded this a week or two ago, so the World of OSM news is kinda old, but it’s all still vitally important, at least as far you should go buy Bangai-O Spirits RIGHT NOW.

What’s actually important is that we’re back and we’ll be now updating on Mondays, not Fridays. And we should have it set for next Monday as well, where Lee and I talk about Cromartie High School.

Be prepared!