Kicking reason to the curb once more we take on a terribly terrific trilogy of movie-ocity with Sam Raimi’s and Bruce Campbell’s epic cults classics, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness.
Oh, and the musical. You can blame Eric for that one though!
Right now Best Buy has all three movies on sale for $6.99 a pop!
So you shouldn’t keep yourself away from these films any longer. Unless you’re scared. Of awesome. Best Buy also has the musical for $14.99, but you can also get it at the same price from Amazon.

Speaking of good ol’ Amazon.com, you could also pre-order the KORG DS-10 Synthesizer! If you ever wanted to make beats on the go, I don’t think you can go very wrong here guys. I mean if it’s good enough for Yasunori Mitsuda, it’s good enough for all of us.
I wish I could also tell you all the reserve the Ghostbusters game but who knows when the game will even be out. Though man, Bill Murray is looking kinda old. But that still doesn’t stop him from asking the relevant questions.
Though sadly he may have received his relevant answer…

Also, don’t forget that in a few weeks (Halloween weekend in fact) we’ll be at CrisisCon in Huntsville, Alabama! When the panel will be… I’m not sure. Hopefully they’ll get back to us soon enough so we can post about it and talk about in our next episode.
Also we’ll be kicking back the very next weekend (November 7th – 9th) at Nekocon, in glorious Hampton, Virginia! We don’t have any panels or anything planned there, but we’ll be sure to crash something.
And as always, you are more than welcome to let us know you, dear listeners, exist!

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