In this episode of the OSMcast? we plunge into the depths of the Cosmic Tribe Tarot set and explore the ruins of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Seriously guys, that tarot deck is pretty terrible. But don’t take my word for it! Check it out for yourself with this handy-dandy so very Not Work Safelink that shows the entire deck. And where you can order it from, if you know, naked dirty hippies are your thing. They say they’ve sold over 15,000 of them, so I’m guessing they can’t all be horrible accidents like our experience was. So yeah Stevee we bought your deck, and we came away unimpressed.
Oh, and that Indiana Jones flick. It was so totally a movie. Yeah.
And as always please comment, email us, let us know you exist. I know someone out there is downloading this stuff… somewhere!
Sorry about the lack of Narnia once again, but we’ll make it up to you! But really guys, it is like “Spinal Tap meets Scooby-Doo meets Norway.” Until next time awesome believers!
Tonight on the OSMcast! we go go go after the latest movie adaptation by The Wachowski Siblings, the Tatsunoko Production’s classic anime hit Speed Racer.
Also in case you hadn’t notice, Inubito thought the remix of the Speed Racer theme was so awesome, he included all of it. Be forewarned! Or not! However, this does end creating our longest podcast ever. But anyway, seriously guys, there were parts of this movie that were more awesome than Iron Man. Really. Not kidding! Though I guess overall Iron Man is the better movie, it’s already made tons of money so go spend it on Speed Racer instead!
Next week we’ll hopefully if schedules allow be covering the new Narnia film, and possibly something else a little more… metal. Till then! Email us at, or just throw us some comments at the bottom of this post.
If you want more info on Mach Go Go Go / Speed Racer, check out these articles from It’s got some really cool stuff inside!
We’ve gone back in time to olden days of April for this OSMcast! where Basil and Nobody have a conversation about one of the longest named games on the DS: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates.
We also talk about games like FF7: Crisis Core and Lost Odyssey, though not for long. Friday we’ll be continuing our “Nerds Go Out to the Movies” escapades this month with our take on the new Speed Racer movie! Though here’s a hint: Basil liked it a whole lot, though Eric and Nobody liked it as well. Though not as much as me. I mean Basil.
Check back with us Friday! (Also email us, comment us, let us know you exist! Please?)
In this episode of the OSMcast! The gang’s all here as we talk about the 2004 OAV Re: Cutie Honey! And also, a little bit of Rock Band.
If you’d like more info on Re:Cutie Honey, there’s always the ANN Page, as well as the Gainax Page’s, um, page. More importantly, you should also check out the live action movie it was paired with.
As always, please let us know what you think! We have the comments section below, our email is, and we even have a voice mail now at 206-426-5063.
Next week the plan is to take a blast into the pretty recent past as we release our previously recorded podcast about Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates! Then we’ll probably see about tackling Speed Racer.
Tonight on the OSMcast! nerds go out to movies as we talk about the new Marvel Studios movie, Iron Man.
It’s Nerd Movie Box Office Domination Month here at the OSM Central! What this means is that during the month of May, we’ll be doing our best to bring you two podcasts a week this month: The normal one on Friday, and these special ones based on the “nerd” movies we’ll be seeing this month. In case you haven’t noticed, tonight’s was Iron Man. Next week is Speed Racer, then the latest Narnia flick Prince Caspian, and we’ll bring it home with Indy IV.
So hope you guys enjoy and we’ll be back tomorrow with 2004 OAV Re: Cutie Honey!
Tonight on the OSMcast!, Basil and buds reminisce about their previous Saturday, at the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention. It was the eighth one, so they called it MTAC Infinity.
Yeah, it was a pretty swell con. The Cosplay Picture Gallery Thing we promised can be found by clicking these words! (Editor’s Note: It’s gone now, due to switching website hosts years and years ago.) Definite shout outs go to froggyfluf who we thought was cosplaying Simca, but as it turns out it was another Air Gear character named Kururu. Whoops! The pink hair totally threw us off. As it turns out she’s also a pretty great artist so you should check out her stuff. Another deviant-artist we met was a photographer who took a lot of really sweet pictures.
Of course we can’t forget CSHC and Random, who put on hella osm shows that night!
And as always, we want to hear from you folks! Send us an email ( or post in the comments! Also we have a Live Journal Community you can join if you feel so inclined.
In this episode of the OSMcast! Basil and Eric discuss the wonders of Nintendo’s latest entry in their flighting/platforming/party game series, Super Smash Bros Brawl!
Again, we’d love to hear your comments, suggestions, and other feedback! Juts post down in the comments, or throw us an email at This Saturday the good DJ Inubito and Basil will be kicking it up over at MTAC. And while we doubt anyone from there has heard of us yet, we’re hoping that they check us out afterwards. If so, hello MTAC peoples! Hope y’all enjoy the podcast, and we should have another episode up soon! The goal is every Friday, but we’ll see what develops.