OSMinterview! Mark Hildreth on 3/09/2023

Oh hello there! Our boy John is back with yet another OSMinterview, this time with the excellent Mark Hildreth. Mark has been acting, both voice acting as well as theatre and forms of live action acting, since the age of 10! His career is incredibly prolific, but you may know him best from such roles as Heero Yuy from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Terry Bogard from the various Fatal Fury anime productions, Sten from Dragon Age: Origins, and that’s just a few among many others.


We want to thank Mark Hildreth once again for taking the time to chat with us! And you can find all the places where Mark is by checking out him online at:

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMinterview! Marrisa Lenti on 2/16/2023

So this past February, your friend and mine John Robbins got to chance to chat with the voice actor, ADR director, all around great person that is Marrisa Lenti. As a voice actor, Marrisa Lenti has portrayed such roles as Libra in Fairy Tale, Moze in Borderlands 3, Sister Jill in both Cutie Honey Universe and Re: Cutie Honey, among others. She’s also an ADR director for Sound Cadence Studios, where she as directed shows like Kageki Shoujo!!, Arte, and the upcoming English dub of Gunbuster from Discotek.


We want to thank Marrisa once again for taking the time to chat with us! And you can find all the places where Marrisa is by checking out her online at:

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 13: Podcasts Revel, Housing Markets Tremble

Hello Adventurers! As the new year rolls on, so too does the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy XIV Online patch cycle. In fact, we are in the midst of Patch 6.3 hyjinks right now! And not only did we get a new 24-person raid, a new dungeon with MSQ alongside, but we also got a bevy of great Quality-of-Life improvements as well. To help us walk through all this 6.3 Patch stuff is our special guest for this Issue: Alex Fraioli! When he’s not dispensing sage life advice as the proprietor of the Critical * Hit bar used game store in Nagoya, Japan, you can also find him on Twitch or on the No More Whoppers podcast. But from Umbrellas to Ultimates, he’s with us this episode to talk about all the things you love about the game we all play and are addicted to.

Spoiler Levels: Incredibly high! … Sorta. The first hour or so is actually pretty light on them, as we cover mostly the Quality-of-Life improvements the patch brought, and gripes about the important things in Eorzean life: Dyes. But after that first hour? Buckle up cause it’s spoiler city over here! (Sidenote: Ever notice that none of the mounts in FFXIV have seat belts? It’s like an episode of Star Trek or something.)

And if you are tuning in the week we are releasing this episode, all week-long Alex is also doing charity streams for TELL Japan! It’s a great charity organization that dedicated to providing effective support and counseling services to Japan’s international community and its increasing mental health needs. So if you are feeling at all generous, please head over to Alex’s Twitch and donate today! (And if you are tuning in later, we wouldn’t be surprised if Alex isn’t planning on another charity stream in the future. Or just go to the TELL Japan site and donate anyway!)

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 12: The Eorzean Seasonal Event Primer

Hello Adventurers! As we leave the Year of Our Yoshi-p 2022 and enter into 2023, now is the perfect time to dig into some seasonal events! Final Fantasy XIV is packed with them throughout the year, and we are chatting about them all. Yes, even Hatching-tide! From Heavensturn to Starlight Celebration we talk about the basics, when they usually are, where the quests start, some of the backstory behind the events, and what are the NPCs you tend to interact with. We also reminisce about our times with them. Plus, the current events that are going on: like the current Starlight Celebration, the latest Moogle Tomestone Hunt, and even the very quickly upcoming Heavensturn! And just how do we feel about Pa-Paya?

Spoiler Levels: Incredibly low! I mean, I guess you need to be at least level 15, and have unlocked all three initial city-states of the Eorzean Alliance. But chances are, if you are listening to this episode, you have at least gotten that far! Probably.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 11: Unearthing the Buried Memories of the 6.2x Patches

Hello Adventurers! We’ve got a whole new Issue for you that’s cram packed with things we’ve been up for the past few months, the latest patch content from the 6.2x series: Buried Memory! Not only that, but we are joined by our special guest Andrew from the Third Impact Anime podcast. And don’t worry folks, we asked him all the hard-hitting questions.

Things like… What are we looking forward to the upcoming Patch 6.3! New tribe quest? (Yes yes! Wait, wrong tribe…) Housing? (More plots? MORE PLOTS!) Also, other more important things like… Does Tobias know La-hee? Just how many Eurekas are there, anyway? Then we get into the meat of the Patch 6.2x series, and adjacent topics. New Hildys! Fat Cat Hoodies! Island Sanctuary! Nihilism defeating soup!? Why shirts should not have belts attached to them, and so much more. So much latest patch series chitchat, you’ll just… Scream! Ahem…

Spoiler Levels: EXTREMELY HIGH. We are talking about all the things that have happened up till Patch 6.25, so you’ll want to be current up to the point that we have released this episode if you wanna listen. Or get spoiled, I guess! The choice is up to you.

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMcast! Show #187: Ya Boy Kongming!

You know the saying, “Anything can happen on Halloween?” And sure, they may follow that up with things like, “Your dog can turn into a cat!” Or maybe, “There may be a toad in your bass guitar, or your sister could turn into a bat!” But have you considered the possibility of perhaps instead on Halloween… “You are the ancient strategist Kongming whom has died in the distant past, only to reborn as your younger self and dropped into modern day Shibuya?” The fact is anything can happen on Halloween. Any. Thing. So in this episode of the OSMcast, along with special guest Tobias from Third Impact Anime, we tackle this conundrum by talking about the hit anime Ya Boy Kongming! It’s streaming on HIDIVE and is based on the manga written by Yuto Yotsuba and illustrated by Ryo Ogawa.


Two episodes in two days? What madness! And actually, it’s three! For you see, along with this episode, we also have the accompanying OSMbonus episode for our 5$ and up patrons up over at our Patreon! Now if you need more of us talking and yammering it up, you got options.

Some useful links! First, there is from Patrick St. Michel’s Substack: Make Believe Mailer 45: Party People’s Pathos, “Ya Boy Kongming!” And A Vanishing Shibuya. It covers how the anime really shows off pre-pandemic Shibuya and the club scene that show mirrors. And for Saint Seiya, George J. Horvath recently wrote a great article about possibilities on why Saint Seiya never really took off in North America like it did… in the rest of the world. That one is called: Theory Musing: Why Does Saint Seiya Consistently Fail in “North of Mexico”?

And now? You get Time Cues:

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMbonus! Extra Bits of Audio That People May or May Not Be Interested in Listening To

Huh! So, this was supposed to have released for Patrons over at our Patreon when the Carbuncle Chronicle came out. But uh… Basil didn’t realize he had the audio. Then, a bunch of us got covid, and then Anna had to have surgery! And while she is doing great now, recovering from surgery took much longer than anticipated. So now that everything has settled down and we can get out the episode we had unfortunately been sitting on… Basil discovered this audio. That was never released. And it’s been a minute. Therefore, we decided we’ll just go ahead and release this OSMbonus as an episode for everyone. So, have some bonus! That you may or may not be interested in listening to. It is mostly about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, but we touch on a bunch of other things as well. 

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 10: We’re Finally Talking About Endwalker!

Hello Adventurers! Well, it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. In fact, we already have had the expansion come out that we were getting hyped for in our last episode! You know… back in… February of 2021. Ahem. So anyroad Endwalker has released, and it’s been what, eight months since then? Excellent time to release an episode all about Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker right now! Just in time to get hyped for patch 6.2 at the end of the month. Sure. This is a great idea and we’re glad everyone is on board for it. Also, there are Moogle Tomes of Verity to get and a Moonfire Faire to enjoy. Hop to it y’all (because you know, jumping puzzles and all)!

Spoiler Levels: The first hour or so it’s pretty spoiler free. However, after that? NOPE it’s all spoilers for Endwalker so make sure to have at least wrapped up the 6.0 MSQ before continuing on.

OSMcast! Show #186: SK8 the Infinity

So, it’s not often that Basil gets to con other OSMcasters into a sports anime. Usually he watches them alone in the lofty mountains like a hermit, waiting upon the call from Kory to descend upon the Earth for an episode of the Taiiku podcast. However, this time it is different. This time… he has acquired not only Kevin, but also Douglass for this most righteous of causes. This time, it is time for the endless. The never ending. The limitless. The sports anime… about skateboarding. Down a death canyon of terror. For kicks. A completely realistic portrayal of skateboarding. Yep. That’s what this is. It’s time for SK8 the Infinity, from the anime studio Bones. Finally.


What should Bones tackle next? Maybe an adaptation of EA Sports It’s in the Game BIG It’s Tricky to Rock a Rhyme to Rock a Rhyme That’s Right on Time It’s SSX Tricky? Who knows! Anyway, Time Cues:

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.

OSMbonus! Intro to Dick Fight Island 101

Hello and welcome a preview to a whole new era of the OSMcast! We’ve had Patreon going on for a while now, and we appreciate everyone who has pitched in! So now it’s time to kick it up a notch. Now whenever we record an episode of the OSMcast, we are going to start saving the immediate bits when we start recording and release those as bonuses for our $5 and up patreons. But we aren’t going to just spring that on y’all! So, this first episode is free for everyone! And we decided if we were gonna start this, we were gonna go hard.

So here is the first ever OSMbonus, where we talk about the manga Dick Fight Island by Reibun Ike! It’s published by SuBLime. Which now that I’m looking at it, yeah, it’s got BL right in there doesn’t it? Much like Dick Fight Island, it does exactly what it says on the tin.


Notes? What notes! This is bonus episode why would there be notes? I guess if you want the other reviews that we reference here is the list:

Well, if you want more episodes, you now know what to do!

And as always, feel free to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Oh, and if you still use Spotify, go ahead and get on that mobile device and throw us some five stars there too. Tell your friends! As well, just like we mentioned when we do the OSMplugs, you can also join the Discord and support us on Patreon! PS If you have ever wanted some OSMmerch, feel free to check out our TeePublic page! PPS We appreciate you.