OSMquest! Kawaii Caper: The Search for the Cold-Steel Sorcerer’s Swag, Part 1

So as 2021 keeps rolling and as vaccinations seem more like actual things and not just dreams, we decided to look back to the times when anime cons were still a thing. But with a twist!  For our new OSMquest mini-series we are playing Kawaii Caper by Ettin64, as a hack of Grant Howitt’s Honey Heist

It is the mid 2000’s in the beforetimes when anime conventions are still a thing and not a way to exacerbate a deadly public health crisis. CRONCH, the local anime convention in your mid-sized southern town is in its third year, and has unexpectedly risen to regional prominence. And with that prominence comes sweet, sweet swag. It would be such a shame if something… or someone… would happen to it. (Spoilers: We are those someones.)

OSMcast?! Show #173: Dragon Quest: Your Story

It may not seem like it, but this is a podcast about hype and expectations. About how one can get so excited for something, then be utterly betrayed by it. But also how, upon a second viewing, one can then feel much better about the thing. But still feel betrayed! Yet, before the terrible betrayal, there is still a whole lot to enjoy about the thing. This thing is an anime CG movie called Dragon Quest: Your Story. Created by the animation studio Shirogumi, and directed and kinda written by Takashi Yamazaki. We say kinda, as it’s very much based on the story of Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. But not… entirely.


So yeah, Dragon Quest: Your Story sure is a movie and you can watch it on Netflix. And you should! … Mostly. Probably! And once you do, let us know what you thought of it over at our Discord! As well as any of the other things we talked about, which are listed in our Time Cues:

OSMcast! Show #172: The World of OSM Returns!

Plans are made. Then life happens! Plans are dashed. New plans are made. And while all that is happening, a whole lot of news happened! So we decided to talk about those things. Think of them like the friends we made along the way! We took those friends and bundled them up into a podcast. For you! Our friends, that are hopefully bundled up warm because it could be cold outside, and are listening. Perhaps the metaphor has long been lost now, but have a podcast on nerd stories this week!


So how did you enjoy the episode? Liked it? Hated it? Let us know! Poke us on twitter! Join the Discord! You could even comment on the post, but who even reads these things anyway? Well, if you are one of those you may would like some Time Cues: 

  • We Start OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:37
  • The World of OSM Returns!, aka OSMnews – 2:19
    • Anime, Animation, and Fraiser News – 2:32
      • Final Evangelion Film is Finally Coming Out… Again! – 2:53
      • Megumi Ogata Is a Bad Ass – 5:32
      • Streaming Old Stuff, or Discotek Still Loves Us – 10:43
      • Animated Series Announced for Hatsune Miku – 17:27
      • Tokyo Mew Mew Gets a New Anime, Nice – 20:11
      • Avatar Creators are Gonna Make All the Avatars Because Paramount Plus Needs Content – 20:49
      • Frasier Gets a New Show at Paramount Plus, Nice – 23:28
    • Nintendo News – 27:59
      • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Get the Most Sword Characters Ever Now – 28:39
      • Famicom Detective Club in the US Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? – 31:32
      • Project Triangle Strategy, That’s the Name of It! – 33:24
      • Mario Golf: Super Rush, But Only Basil is Excited – 39:05
      • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gets a Remake, Nice – 44:05
      • Splatoon 3 is Gonna Happen, But Only Basil is Excited – 47:21
      • Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Gets some Remakes, Nice – 49:08
      • Pokémon Legends: Arceus aka Ghost of Sinnohshima! – 52:56
    • Sony News – 54:48
      • Guilty Gear Strive Beta – 55:24
      • King of Fighters XV Maybe Getting Some Rollback Netcode in the Works??? – 59:49
      • PS5 Will One Day Get a New PlayStation VR – 63:18
      • Pour One Out for Sony’s Japan Studio – 64:29
      • Sifu Looks Pretty Bad Ass – 67:22
      • Kena: Bridge of Spirits Also Looks Neat – 68:36
      • Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade Sure is a Thing! – 69:25
      • Final Fantasy VII Remake is Free on PlayStation Plus in March, Kinda! – 71:18
      • Square Enix Reveals some Weird Final Fantasy VII Mobile Games, Y’all – 74:55
    • Final Thoughts – 83:31

OSMcast! Show #171: Lu Over the Wall

Oh, would you look at the time! As it so happens, almost a year ago we did a podcast on an anime movie from Science Saru, directed by Masaaki Yuasa, about folks and the ocean. So what better time to talk about an anime movie from Science Saru, directed by Masaaki Yuasa, about folks and the ocean! Only this time, it’s the movie Lu Over the Wall. It’s about a Tokyo kid stuck in a sleepy ocean town. It’s full of fun, dancing, and as it turns out… mild potential horror?

Now maybe you you’d think, “Oh, there is no way someone can make two anime movies about the ocean that also have a very heavy music component and yet be all kinds of different!” Well, to that we would love to introduce this director guy. His name is Masaaki Yuasa, and he is a mad genius. This is a podcast about an anime movie he directed, with the studio Science Saru.


So many ways to watch this movie right now! It’s on Netflix, or you can just buy the dang thing on Blu-ray! (Basil swore he saw it on HBO Max, but it gone now.) Hopefully you are able to do one of these things, because it is absolutely deserves a watch or multiple. Other things we recommend you do is check out our Discord! And if you are feeling generous, we do have a Patreon . We also have Time Cues!

  • We Start OSMcast!ing – 00:00
  • General Gabbing – 00:31
  • Moments of OSM – 01:16
  • Lu Over the Wall
    • Lu Over the Wall, Sans Spoilers – 19:29
    • Lu Over the Wall, Full of Spoilers – 48:29
    • Questions from Listeners Like You about Lu Over the Wall – 62:53
    • OSMs out of OSM – 78:09

The Carbuncle Chronicle Issue 9: The 2/5/2021 FFXIV Announcement Showcase

Hello Adventurers! We are only into the month of February in the Year of Our Lord Naoki Yoshida, but seven hells what a February it has already been! In this Issue we are joined by friends and special guests Jazzy and Denmo McStronghuge as we cover the latest Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase and Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXII! We delve into newly announced fourth expansion, Endwalker, and all that followed! New jobs, new places, new all sorts of things. So pull up a chair, get something good into that expensive dwarven tankard they just showed off, and hop into this Lunar Whale of an episode!


We want to once again thank our special guests Jazzy and Denmo McStronghuge! You can find them online at various places like these:

And you can always join the OSMcast folks at our Discord for all sorts of cool chatter and also sweet food pictures. (Also Jazzy has a pretty sweet Discord for such things as well!) We’ll catch you next time when we have an OSMcast proper on Lu over the Wall.

OSMcast! Show #170: The OSMawards! 2020 Edipyon – Video Games

At last! Our final and most verbose episode of the 2020 OSMawards arrives at our final destination: Video Games! Sure, some of the things we talk about have been covered in previous OSMcasts. But that’s what’s gonna happen when some of best games of 2020 both come out in March and April! That said really it’s who brings up what  that is surprising in this ultimate showdown of video game releases in the Year of Our Lord 2020. Also, Overwatch? Apparently!


And so you have it! The video games that helped us get through 2020. And who knows what games we will get to in 2021! If only there was a way to find out besides the podcast… Oh right! That Discord we keep mentioning! Yeah, that might be a good way to keep tabs on us. But until next time, have some Time Cues:

OSMcast! Show #169: The OSMawards! 2020 Edipyon – Anime & Television Shows

The OSMawards for 2020 continue! Movin’ right along, in this episode we cover our faves in anime and TV from last year. Oh, and Gundam Wing. Look, it makes more sense when you get to it. So please get right to listening and enjoying! (And maybe, just maybe, join our Discord while you’re at it!)


So while we’ve been getting this episode ready to publish, it turns out Babylon 5 is getting a somewhat of a remastering? Frankly, any extra work to bring Babylon 5 back in any way is great. But that’s something that happened in the past, and something that is now in the year 2021! This post is supposed to be about 2020! … Ignore that by and large 2020 is not a year that anyone wants to be well remembered. Except for the stuff that in the Time Cues, anyway!

Next week, we’ll wrap up the 2020 OSMawards with an episode all about Video Games. See you then!

OSMcast! Show #168: The OSMawards! 2020 Edipyon – Podcasts, YouTubes, & Internet Things

As so many places and podcasts do, we are kicking off 2021 with a look back at some of the things enjoyed in last year of 2020. And in many ways, some of the things that got us through the last year of 2020. In this particular edipyon, we’ll be tackling some of our most favorite things from the various reaches of the Internet. Podcasts, YouTube Shows, some things that are both! And some things that are neither!


So you may have heard in the episode, that we have a discord. And it’s true! We do! You can find it here. Next week, we’ll be talking about Anime and TV Shows! Until then, Time Cues: 

OSMcast? Show #167: Itsudatte My Santa!

Not all OSMcasts, like many things, are created equal. Most OSMcasts end in am exclamation point (!). Some end in a question mark (?). Because sometimes we have to talk about things into a microphone, even if they are not awesome. And this time, it’s about an anime based of a single chapter of a Ken Akamatsu joint: Itsudatte My Santa! Because it’s the holidays and we already did an episode on Tokyo Godfathers.

Oh, we also talked about some other things that are awesome. To try and balance things out, at least a little bit.


So yeah, that was sure an episode! Have some Time Cues:

OSMcast! Show #166: Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence Teaser Trailer

If you ever asked the question of, “Hey do you think someone can make an hour-long podcast out of a 45 second teaser trailer?” You are in luck! We here at the OSMcast! have answered your question. And the answer is “Definitely, as long as it’s about Yuri!!! on Ice movie!” Thankfully the teaser trailer is for Ice Adolescence, and admittedly we also threw some Moments of OSM in there. Because if we are going to do an episode of the show, it’s gonna be an actual episode! 


OK so in case you wondering, here’s that teaser:

Wow! It’s that sure something? Can you believe we spent what, forty minutes plus on this? In our defense… Victor is pretty dang pretty, though. Also, Marriage For All Japan is a pretty great idea, and one we really hope happens. Also, we got in an episode for November! Whoo! Hopefully we can get some more episodes in before the new year! But until then, Time Cues: