Wait wait wait what 2 updates in a row is this 2017 or what geez SO ANYROAD yes the OSMcast is BACK yet again for a classic late night con report! This time, we stay up waaaaay too late on
OSMcast! Anime Weekend Atlanta 2017 10-9-2017

Wait wait wait what 2 updates in a row is this 2017 or what geez SO ANYROAD yes the OSMcast is BACK yet again for a classic late night con report! This time, we stay up waaaaay too late on
So here we are. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with Basil and Kevin as well as Charlie and Dylan from the Chainsaw Buffet. A podcast about Anime Weekend Atlanta 2013 with
OK so you would THINK we would release the MTAC podcast before the AWA but that would make sense now wouldn’t it? WELL TOO BAD DEARIES. The Habe of My Heart, Dylan edited this up so it goes up now!
It’s that time again! The OSMcast continues its tradition of being a podcast where we cover conventions lately and occasionally some other stuff by going over the latest and greatest Anime Weekend Atlanta. The panels we ran, the panels we
So. Funny story. Possibly even a cool story, bro kind of story. It’s really up to you to decide. ANYWAY. While we were recording our AWA podcast tonight, mentioning how we somehow ended up (I blame Daryl) on a future
Another year, another AWA. Another AWA, another podcast about AWA! So here is our con-report on Anime Weekend Atlanta 16, recorded late late Saturday night in our secret lair within the confines of the Renaissance Waverly Hotel. It covers Friday
This latest podcast is all about the anime con that just happened. It’s called Anime Weekend Atlanta. It was pretty awesome. And so here are two nightcap sessions we recorded on Friday and Saturday night. Aside from the usual crew
It’s only the first day back from the Anime Weekend Atlanta 14 and we’ve already got our podcast up and running about it! Listen to us talk about standing in line for things and panels we attended! And eating Stir-fry!