It’s a dog eat dog world out there! Or rather, a wolf eat rabbit world? At least a predator could eat prey world, expect that’s looked down upon and really just a bad idea to do. At least that’s the
OSMcast! Show #158: Chihayafuru 3
When I listen up atThe wide-stretched plain of podcasts,Is the audio the sameThat peach on Mount MomoconIn the land of Taiiku? We never thought we would have the excuse to talk about the anime Chihayafuru again, but here we are!
OSMcast! Show #156: Ride Your Wave
Oh, hello there! Fancy world we live in now. It’s sure has had a lot of ups and downs lately! And what better way to make your way through it all, than to watch Ride Your Wave, by Science Saru,
Touched by a Duelist EP001: No matter what everybody says, we’re fearsome Blue-Eyes White Dragons!
Whoa what’s this craziness this is not the normal OSMcast?!? Nope this is a whole new OSMcast-produced thing, we’re calling Touched by a Duelist! It’s a new weekly, show where we are covering the anime series Touched and Yu-Gi-Oh! Touch
OSMcast! Show #153: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Accidentally continuing on a spooky-ish track*, we are gathered tonight to release a podcast about demons! And slayers! Of, well, demons! It’s an anime and manga called Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The manga is by Koyoharu Gotouge, with the
OSMinterview! Tiffany Grant @ Hamacon 10
Happy Labor Day! This is the holiday where we celebrate the good, hard-working folks over at NERV. Their tireless efforts to protect us from those dastardly Angels and their constant attempts at creating the Third Impact. And who is the
OSMcast! Show 152: The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl with Third Impact Anime at Hamacon 10
So, kids. When two podcasts like each other very much, they have a crossover episode. And when the OSMcast! and Third Impact Anime both like the works of Masaaki Yuasa and studio Science Saru? They have an episode about the
OSMcast! Show #150: Moments of TN OSM (MTAC Lunar)
So as you may have noticed, we were at a con recently. That con being MTAC Lunar, a fine lead in to next years already better MTAC Score. Because, you know… Sports anime theme. But as you may now realize,
OSMinterview! Erika Harlacher @ Hamacon 9
Hello world! The OSMcast is back yet again with questions and answers, but we’re asking the questions here this time! That’s our deal! Well, we struck a dark bargain with Erika Harlacher, at any rate. What was that dark, terrible bargain?
OSMinterview! Marianne Miller @ Hamacon 9
Hi everybody! This time around we have got yet another awesome interview for you! At Hamacon 9, we had the chance to sit down with Marianne Miller, whom you may remember from our previous interview, but more likely remember them