“It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, so many are the otaku and podcasters that stand along the road, each microphone and netbook at the interval of a day’s journey; and these are
OSMcrap: “The REALLY real real MTAC Ninja Experience”
Man, just when you thought it was safe to listen to podcasts, we had go and post this. It’s our long lost MTAC episode! Okay, so it was never really lost, but I guess it is kind of long! It’s
OSMcast: MTAC Ninja 4-6-2009
It’s the Monday after MTAC Ninja but the OSMcast must go on! Speaking of the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, here’s a chat we had about the con with Christi Binkley, MTAC’s Director of Media Relations and Advertising. In other words,