What is the OSMcast?
Your podcast for all things awesome! We like to talk about things that are pretty cool, like anime, video games, you know. All the good things in life.
Not only that, we have a dedicated Final Fantasy XIV podcast called the Carbuncle Chronicle! And sometime we play Tabletop RPGs under the moniker of the OSMquest. And if that’s not enough…
We also have guests on from various walks of life, from voice actors and actresses, to comics creators, and more! All sorts of awesome folks. That’s what specialize in: AWESOME.
Who is the OSMcast?
We like to talk about things. And over the years there have been a few of us who like to talk about things. To start off…
The Main Crew
Aka the folks that tend to talk on (and on, and on) most episodes.

Basil: The Head Honcho. An eternal English/Graphic Design major that spends way too much time playing video games and watching Japanese cartoons and not nearly enough time writing or graphic designing about them. He once ran an anime club with an iron fist for over a decade, he also once helped run his local anime con, and that time where he wrote for Animefringe (for all of two-three months!). Nowadays, you can find Basil here, as well as on Twitter, and also on his website It’s Basil Time! (As it turns out, he really likes naming his websites with exclamation points at the end….)
Basil plays on Final Fantasy XIV a lot, most on the Leviathan server as Fourkei Ridaskei.

Douglass: The resident International Man of Mystery. Some say he has journeyed so far down the Grand Line he has come to our world: searching for truth, justice, and pirate booty. Some others say he’s an alien and he will one day rule us all. Or perhaps Nobody is an ESPer, or maybe even a time traveler. Douglass could be Everybody, or even Somebody. But probably not. And yet… No one knows where he may strike next.
Also thinks that Tales of Vesperia is the best video game of every year we talk about it. Also anime. And books. We think that Doug may just really like Tales of Vesperia?

Kevin: Raised by wild opera hippies and a trio of lesbian cats, Kevin is our local mecha expert. When it comes to matters of giant robots we’ve yet to meet anyone who knows more obscure or neat information about them. Whenever we come across a giant robot show, be on the lookout! You might just learn something.
They also claimed the title of Ultimate OSMcast! Roadie (UOR), and started off chirping in on the various con reports we’ve done. But they quickly just ended talking about pretty much everything. Well… OK. Not sports anime. But no one’s perfect. Then again now that we have caught them on podcast talking about Yuri on Ice… maybe they have finally reached Nirvana?

Anna: The secret power behind the throne. If we had a throne. Which we don’t. But Anna does edit the podcast. That’s still pretty powerful! You can find Anna in the hallowed halls of Twitter, where she is posting all sorts of things. Usually of the Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuri on Ice!!!, and Final Fantasy XIV varieties. She also likes baking, as well as crocheting. Which is not knitting.
If you happen upon the Leviathan server of Final Fantasy XIV, you can catch Anna rolling around as Cormia Ridaskei. Or on the Midgardsormr server as Frau Face.


The Tennessee Crew
Once upon a time, there was a podcast known as the Chainsaw Buffet. It was a mighty podcast, full of vim and vigor. However due the ravages of the Great Mariachi War of 2015, it has been sometime since we have heard from them. Only that’s a lie. We’ve known them and co-podcasted with them for years now, even today! So we have officially brought them into the OSMcast fold. These are their stories.

John: The leader of the bunch. You might even know him well! Yuri Lowenthal knows him as the Greatest Living Interviewer. In fact, he’s so good at it, we’ve pretty much given him free reign over the whole interviewing thing. More times than not, if you hear an OSMinterview, it’s probably John that is running it.
But that’s not all! When he is not getting people to reveal all sorts of hidden truths about themselves, John’s also one half of These Are Video Games! It’s a weekly Twitch channel that streams John and his co-host Mike playing… well. Video games. It’s kinda in the name! They stream shows every Wed & Fri at 7 – 11 PM EST~

Dylan: The Chillaxer. Lord of the Tabletop. Babushka. Dylan is the man of many names, but even more talents. When cooler heads prevail, chances are Dylan has the coolest of heads. His board game collection is legendary, and is even potent enough to supply a con’s gaming room with. You can also find Dylan tinkering about in Unity along with others over at Knoxville Game Design.
Dylan also blogs the occasional blog over at his website.

Charlie: He’s just really excited to put this on his resume.
Previously on the OSMcast!
The fine people that while may not be regulars on the show as of late, they helped forge the podcast to be the crazy thing it is today.

DJ Inubito: Our theme song creator and original producer. DJ Inubito started funking around with music back in 1998 when he started thumbing on a bass guitar. In 2003, he then transitioned into DJing trance and hardcore EDM as his interest in the party scene grew. When just mixing music wasn’t enough, he began producing in 2007, jumping headfirst into the nerdcore genre with the group Computer Science Hardcore. He also produced geek centric EDM with Dou(Gai)Jin Recordings alongside artists like Cynispin and Katsuhiko Jinnai. He now spins with several groups such as Dead Terrorist DJs, Sound Off DJs, and JABKI Bass All Stars, and been known to throw down impromptu mixing marathons on Ustream from time to time.

Brad aka Rail: Once known to us as only the Resident Kinda Asian Guy, then he said “eff y’all” then went and got a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and the moved to Chicago to get a Master’s Degree in urban planning. So he’s now officially smarter than the rest of us! That bastard. He’s been an avid anime fan since the 90’s and is the only one we know to have actually played all the .hack games to completion. That means he’s spent as much time in a virtual MMO than some of us have in actual MMOs… I’m just throwing that out there. Regardless he’s the closest thing we have to an actual academic around here so we throw him in from time to time to make ourselves feel smarter. Though since he keeps threatening to move away from us again, so we have to use him while we can.

Lee: In a hazardous wake of an almost endless series of Lovecraftian proxy wars, Lee emerged a man reborn. Although since then something always felt… off. Not quite right. It was like all the panels of a comic was finshed, yet there was till have one area of blank space left that begged to have one more panel in his life. And then one day after spending five hours perfecting (of all things) the latest panel of his webcomic, it dawned on him… He needed to be in a podcast! Thankfully, we got to him before anyone else could. Take that, suckers!

Sooz hates a lot of things, including probably whatever you like. Her presence is enough to cause small animals to combust from pure evil. She enjoys nothing more than ruining fun and drinking the sweet, sweet tears of orphaned babies, except for ice cream and ballet. She also does a webcomic, found at http://www.readreliquary.com/.
This podcast is dedicated to Eric White.
Eric was one of the founding members of the OSMcast, we mean literally one as he was talking to Basil when said Basil came up with the idea. Sadly, in December of 2011, he passed away. He was one of the greatest, funniest, most wonderful people ever assembled into a person. We missed him dearly. This podcast is dedicated to his memory. Here’s the blurb he wrote about himself:

Eric: The product of a bizarre breeding experiment between a Southern Baptist Philosopher and a Buddhist Lawyer the being known only as Eric has wandered the mortal plane for time untold. In his human guise as a History Major at the University of Alabama-Huntsville he spends most of his time reading books, playing video games and just generally nerding the hell out.